We have teamed up with world renowned colour experts, Schwarzkopf to offer all new clients 20% off your first colour at Keith Kane Hair International.

Simply print off the coupon and quote: truecolour to redeem when making your booking. A patch test must be carried out 48hrs prior to any colour application.

Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.

A little about Schwarzkopf

From their roots in Hans Schwarzkopf’s Berlin drugstore over 100 years ago,Schwarzkopf have understood hair beauty and care from the inside. Always looking ahead,Schwarzkopf’s vision has set the pace in the market. Always challenging,Schwarzkopf’s brands have revolutionised what’s possible. As part of the phenomenally successful Henkel group, Schwarzkopf Professional and Retail has extended its reach. Today,Schwarzkopf’s innovative products can be found in salons and stores on every continent. They currently hold 7,600 patents – each one a new milestone in hair care.

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